KIC - Keep It Casual
Pour yourself a wine and join us for some casual conversation with Danielle and some uptight manic ranting from Yvonne!!
Episode 19 “WET January”
Yv has a list of things she wants left behind in 2024. Danielle has dental trauma which should probably come with a trigger alert…
We are well into January and today I am officially five days sober. I mean I was until we, I opened a wine for this but. You need my support, are you okay? No I'm just really proud of myself because I was like, I'm not, I hate when people do dry January and, but then I thought I need to have a little detox. But I'm not going to do full dry January because that's just, I drank all my alcohol, so that was the only thing I had left, was a little tin of mojito. The only thing that's hard must be annoying living with someone that doesn't drink. you have to buy and drink if you want it. It's not like they'll ever pick up a bottle of wine, or they'll pick up. Yeah, yeah, that's right. And then I always, you Always, like you went the other day. And I'm alone, so I have to pick up my own wine always, but. But if I go to the supermarket, I go after I drop the kids at school, and you can't buy alcohol. So it almost has to be like an alcohol run. Yeah. Which I don't know, I feel like is similar to going for a sunbed. It's like, shameful. I get embarrassed only going for booze. I'm like, no, no, I was here this morning for my basic shop. Like I do, I don't just, I mean, obviously no one cares, but I overthink. I'm like, Absolutely everything. I don't mind getting it because I always get it with my food shop, but when you came up last week, I did go to buy it super early because I'd gotten off the boat at like ridiculous o'clock in the morning, and I was refused all my wine because it was half eight. Yeah, that was actually really sad, but I knew that as a fact, that you couldn't buy it before 10 o'clock. Speaking of January, I had compiled a little list of things that I think should be left in 2024. Would you like to hear them? Would I? It would be awkward if you said no. No, I do. I want to see what you think should be left in 2024. This is just you. No, I just made it up. Also, I know I sound lower than normal. Like I've already got a low voice, but now I've got a cold. So now I sound ten times more monotoned. But I promise you, her face is absolutely elated at all times, whenever I speak. It's actually moving more than it normally does. Yeah, so Actually, I know you're going to tell this list and I'll tell you the story after, but I was at the dentist and my mouth has just gone back to normal. I thought I was going to be recording with a squint face. One side would have been going mental and the other side would have been safe still. I am so sad that that is not the case. So, number one is the obsessive social media rants about things like parent and child spaces. We get it, people are always going to park wrongly in a parent and child space or a disabled space. It's not right, but I think we need to stop making videos ranting about that. That's over for me. That was me in 2024. I completely agree that it should be left in the past. Like, people, us people that are not part of the 999 crew, don't try and get involved. Stop trying to police things that you shouldn't police. Like, just leave it. They're wankers. Some people will always be wankers. You will ruin your day and your life if you spend your life getting annoyed at things that people Because people will always use you for things. We have said this in this podcast many times, people are always going to be arseholes, you've just got to like, try and live your life above the arseholes with them, whatever. so that is something I think we just need to Stopped doing. I did see a girl the other day trying a new one where she was not only ranting about people parking in the parent and child spaces But she was annoyed that people were parking in the parent and child spaces and then not having a pram or car seat Child coming out. I was like this is that was what where it really switched for me I was like this needs to stay in the last year thing Everybody is I'll wear, you know, we're over it now. If people are still doing it, they're never going to stop doing it. That no longer needs to be an issue of anybody else's, but the people doing it. I have got an opinion on that, but we are leaving it in the past, so I'm not going to bother. Yes. Let's just move on. It's boring. Get over it. You're not the first person to have a child. You won't be the last. And it'll continue. Because I think a lot of the people that do it are people that actually had kids. I don't give a fuck. So like, well, I've been, I've used it. I'm just going to use it. I don't care. Or it's people that never had kids and we were all people that never had kids. So most of us have probably done it once upon a time before. Thank you. Great. I'm glad you agree with that. and another one that sort of led on from that was as well was the whole, remember we Did the podcast where we talked about that girl, the, the Seventeen Diapers girl. Yes. And people got so over involved in it, and a lot of people try to track down where she lives and stuff like that. That is something else that needs to be left in the past. Like you said, if people thought she was an arsehole, great, good for them, but we don't need to be involved in that. If that's not your sister, your auntie, your direct relative, then It's just not anything that you need to really worry yourself about. Anyone on social media I think you shouldn't overly troll because, yeah, you never know if someone's gonna talk themselves, you never know if someone's going to actually come out on top and it be proven that they haven't done the thing that everyone was trolling them about and you'll probably go, oh well, I was wrong, oops. And you'll give it two seconds to thought but you've actually been a part of that massive trauma for that person for a long time. Can't believe how much for an agreement. Next. The next one you're not going to, you're not going to like, I don't actually know if I want to say it. What, how bad is it? What, being a single mum? No, panelling. Oh. What, the weird old panelling I have in the background. But you won't mind, because you change stuff all the time anyway. So, just because you've panelled your house, I reckon by this time next year, I actually think that some of it will not be panelled anymore, because you change your house and stuff, you change it up a lot, so. I know you're stubborn. You will come down to paneling and you probably won't panel but there'll be a part of you that wishes you could panel But you won't because you've mocked it so much Because you know your opinions are fickle because you said to me last year you would never DIY I would never even I would never paint. I can't believe you sit in paint. I can't I can't believe You DIY and that's just like have you heard this thing? I have so my evenings are just so From this month, from this month to this month, I am every night just DIY. I haven't stopped because I just DIY. Have you ever been to the shop called Being Cute? She's like, oh my god, being cute. Okay, I just had to shake that up a bit. I know you don't like panelling. It's not that I don't like it. I just think it's a little bit overly, I wish I had panelled my hall. I will tell you that right now. We could have panelled over that wood chip and I would not be in the mess I am today. I wanted to like it and I don't dislike it in other people's homes. I just think maybe we need to just pump the brakes a little bit on the panelling. That's all. I am having a DIY break. For the first time in my life I have got people doing stuff and for the first time in your life you are taking stuff on yourself, like, we've switched roles. This is quite an eye opening, um, poddy. Wow. There must be, the moon, what is happening to the moon? Oh, we should, we normally know this as well! the next one is, I think you'll probably agree with this one, leopard print. Oh that is, I feel like that obviously went away a long time ago but it did try and come back and I did get trousers which. I'll be honest, they got sent, so I would not, I would not have purchased them, but That's weird, you said that you absolutely loved them, and scams don't lopslant run! No, but I absolutely loved them when I put them on, and I was like, I hate that I love these, but And it was overdone because there was one, I think I had people come to mine one day for something and there was like three or four girls in leopard print trousers on. I was like it's too, it's trending too hard right now because it's okay if one person's got them on but not everyone. It's kind of, I think it's okay to own one piece of leopard print but if you are starting to own, if you can go more than one hand of leopard print and It's too far. Thank you. But skinny jeans are coming back and for millennials, amazing. I never really gave them up. I never really gave them up either because there's some outfits that they just, they just, you have to wear skinny jeans. And you know what else? When it's pouring with rain. I cannot wear the baggy jeans because they get soaking. I mean, it actually gives me trauma remembering from when I was a teenager and you used to have your like flared baggy jeans soaking and it was like heavy to walk home. so yeah, skinny jeans never really left, you never left skinny jeans either. You've always been loyal to the skinnies. I actually only have one pair of skinnies, but I would like some more. it's just hard to find them. I had a pair that I had from before I had Lily and I've only just got rid of them because I held them up in the sunlight and I swear they were nearly see through and they were so good. the next one we've touched on quite a lot recently in our recent podcast but I do think this is something that is a 2024 thing and is not coming forward with us and that is Spoiling our kids with all of the constant, planned kids things like, say, at the weekend, a princess afternoon here, a Thomas event here. Going to the park is brilliant. That's all, we need. Slowing down, and that is my New Year's resolution, is to, yeah, you don't have to have big plans all the time. We were really quite quiet when you came here last, and we didn't do anything that was, properly planned. You know, like, because the time before we went to that Toy Story thing, and it was fine, but it was quite stressful, and it didn't go as well. Were you stressed? I didn't notice. At all. You hid it well. Thanks, I know. but then when we just went, and even though it was raining, and we still went that walk and fed the ducks, and it was very chill, very easy, like, stuff like that is going to be more in 2025, I feel. Like, low key, not everything, and also not everything needs to be, you know, Let's invite everybody we know, like, just, like, you and Joey going to the park, you know what I mean? Like, it doesn't always need to be big events. So we're in agreement on that as well. The next one, I guess I maybe is linked to further back a bit, but I think cancelling needs to stop. It's too knee jerk. Like, yes, if somebody, if you find out they murdered like 20 people, maybe you wouldn't want to listen to their song. Well, like, cancelling people, like, on the internet. Yeah. So, like, you know when it's just like, someone's flying high and they're really funny and they're this and they're that. And then suddenly. From 20 years ago, when they were 17, they did a tweet that was slightly offensive. Like, I'm over that now. We need to stop that. That's honestly ridiculous. I know I've definitely said and done things in the past that if I, if someone had, Screenshotted it and send it to me now. I would be like, oh my god, what a horrible person I was. none of us want to know what we said when we were younger, especially when Facebook memories come up sometimes. You won't have that and it'll say like, oh what you said and it's just so like, it's not even bad. It's just so cringe or stupid and you're just like. We all have said stuff that we're not proud of, especially if like, imagine you've been filmed on your night site when you were a drunk teenager. Yeah, I think that's all fueled by the media. but that's why America are wanting to cancel our banning tick tock because they can't control probably the visuals. Or saying and like being able to like tell the truth about certain situations. the last thing I saw about that is it's been, it's officially happening on like the 19th. But I just don't believe it will, but apparently it is happening on the 19th. So we'll see. America might be no longer on the TikTok. Did you just say the TikTok? It was a joke. Sure it was. and then to kind of add to that, like, as well, like, so people are cancelled because of some stupid thing they said when they're a teenager, like, etc. But as well, another thing that, It was sort of niggling at me is when the American election was on and then people would like sometimes make TikTok videos like, Oh, I don't actually remember any names, but like, Oh, I used to really like such and such as a celebrity. But then I find out that they voted for Trump or all that sort of stuff. Like that is just honestly so ridiculous. People just relevant to why anyone would care. Yeah. Like it just, so all that sort of knee jerk, we all love you. We all hate you. We need to be a little bit more, myself included. Chill in 2025. We don't need to judge everybody and on every single thing that they've ever said or done in the past, because there's not a single person on this planet, as you already said, that hasn't said or done something stupid that they regret. Like there's just not. so that's something that going forward, we maybe need to let it go off. Apart from my son's dad, cause he's pretty much perfect. I fucked up. I miss him every day. But you can learn from your mistakes. I'm going to learn. 2025 is the year I. Do everything above and beyond to try and make it back to the uptemp. Next one. Aesthetics. Just everything being a freaking aesthetic. Go back to that. I forgot to mention at the start. We are, we're starting, we're mid record of our mini eps. and we've decided that every mini app is going to have like, a little, it'll just be like us talking about one specific thing each single time. There'll be mini apps, one of them is going to be about, basically, if you are, going through, or if you're trying to leave, or if you've just left and you're struggling with co parenting and you are getting to your wit's end, basically. I don't know everything, but I have learnt a lot and I'm gonna share like lawyer advice and all that kind of stuff. Just things that I've learnt that I just didn't know just to help because I think when you've been through something like that it's so good to get like advice on just help that you didn't even know was out there. Anyway, next one. That was a joke. Was it? well, moving on. Not quite as serious, but aesthetics. So everything's an aesthetic. No, I am breaking my back trying to basically act like my home has nobody living in it. It's so hard. Yes, there's going to be school bags, okay? There's going to be shoes everywhere. There's going to be dog leads. I cannot keep up with the whole aesthetic of, you know, minimalism. I don't think that's such a thing anymore. No, do you think that's more? Well, I think it's shifting. It's definitely shifting. I think the same as social media, like trying to do. Picture perfect. We had that, and then we had super relatable, but it's just finding that middle ground of like, I like to have, I just like my house like a certain way, but it looks very much lived in. Like, I've got it set up how I like it, with my, like, nude colours and stuff, and my little fire, and my panelling, but there are toys still, I'm not like, you can't have a toy in here, there can't be any, can't look like a child lives here, like, it's still covered in I would, like, prefer my house to look like only I lived in it, but it's just not gonna happen. But you'd prefer if you only did live in your house. Sometimes. Do you know what I've never really I have never spent a night in my house, like, by myself, like, as in, with no kids or anything, like, that would be a lovely little treat if it was, like, one night just Piper and I, like, That would be, you know what, maybe 2025 I'm going to manifest that, just for one night. One night. I would walk about it, like, as if it wasn't my house. It would be so good. next one. I think you would miss them though, because when I have a night away, I like having a night away for my child, but if any reason he's not here, or in the past when he did very briefly spend some nights at his dad's, I hated it. So when they're not there, it's weird. But when you get to go away, it's nice because you're going away and having fun. I've never done it, so I'll find out. The next one is overspending. I think that we should make savings. Cool again, Spend your money because you might die tomorrow. Don't get yourself in debt to the point where you're stressed out you're nuts because that is not a fun way to live like live within your means. Live within your means. That's the opposite of what you just said. You could die tomorrow, but actually live within your means. live within your means. Like spend what you have, but don't spend a credit card that you can't afford. Okay. next one. Weight loss. Jags. I think that that's maybe something,'cause it's becoming, I think everybody's on the Jags now and go with the Jags if you want, but don't lie about it. Don't just be like, oh, they own your Jag. I think most people do own your Jag. but I also think that maybe people who are not like. Dangerously overweight just getting the jag for no reason is probably a little bit like Because I think you can just order them online. Well, it's really easy to get it prescribed anyway, so I would just go get it prescribed like what is the point in Buying something online because I did see on the news There can be really dangerous the ones online. It's like anything though. Don't buy drugs online like medicine online. Don't buy something to consume online because it's kind of like, you can't just get it like in your hand. So it's illegal. It's not going to be the stuff that you would get over the counter. Mm-hmm. I mean, I'm sorry if you're buying online not to prescribe it is so stupid. don't mess with your health, but spend all your money on whatever you want. Spend all your money on nice things on yourself, but not the Jags. from TikTok shop. No, pharmacy, get a pharmacy one. Cool. Anyway, that's it. Oh! That's my leave in 2024, start afresh in 2025 list. I don't have any off the top of my head. because I didn't get a chance today to think through because I didn't get the list till two minutes before we started. You need another mojito, I think. That's all I've got. so yeah, I was at the, I went to the dentist today and it's, it's definitely an age thing, but I'm like getting more scared of stuff. I did not used to be scared of the dentist, but I had to get a root canal and when I first got told I was getting a root canal, I was like, this is major. You got that today? I didn't even know. Yeah. I'd half a root canal, get the other half next week, but any client I spoke to or anyone just in past, I'm like, Oh. Got a week now. They're like, oh, it's not, it's so, it's so like, it's like old school to think that it's sore. It's not a big deal. It's so fine, blah, blah. So I'm like, okay, I'll be fine. Do my deep breathing. Like this is going to be fine. When you, for anyone that doesn't know, when you get a numbed injection, it's adrenaline. Oh, I did not know that. so the older I've gotten and the more I've had to deal with anxiety, when I get a shot of anxiety into my mouth and then told to lie still, it's not good. And you get really like, so I have to really be like, okay, you're getting a little injection. You're gonna feel quite like, you know. You want to have a panic attack, but just breathe through it. So I only had a little, she only put a little bit in, and I was like, oh, am I not getting proper numbed up? And she went, well, no, because with the root, with the root canal, where we're going into whatever, your nerves are dead. So there's nothing to hurt. I was like, makes sense. And then started to get, started to go, started to go, the pain. So I was like, do you know what I taught, but like, we are mindful, and she was like, oh, is it sore? And I was like, And like, like, have you ever, have you ever touched a nerve? Probably not. Shooting down my body and I was like, oh, and I'm quite good with pain, but I was like, like whole tensing up. And then she was like, this is the most lovely dentist, so I'm not in any way like, how was anyone supposed to know if there's like a tiny bit of like a nerve that's still alive? She was like, Oh God, because she's the first time she's done my teeth as well. So my notes from before were that. The tooth was dead. So then she had to start, she was like, right, well, we'll just finish up what we can do. And she tried to numb me up more, but obviously it takes a minute to kick in. So by the time we finished, I had this flu like numbed my, but I'd gone through the pain and then got numbed basically as a like, and then I left and I was all numb. And then now, so next week I've got to go back to have it finished. But because they now know that there is. Nerves still there. So I'm, I'm trying really hard to be mentally strong and be like, you're not nervous, but it's really hard when this is going on. And then she said, so next time, because we've got, we've got to do generally and we can allow a lot of people's nerves are dead. Sorry, dentists are listening. I'm getting this wrong. This is just what I do. She said, because you are, have got ones and it was painful. I don't want you to cause you any more pain. Next week. So we're going to have to do like a really strong numbing, numbing, but to the point where it will look like you've had a stroke because it will numb your tongue. And I was like, I think if I have adrenaline to my body and I can't feel my tongue, I'm going to choke on my tongue. I'm so, I'm finding it hard to not be nervous. Danielle, I'm really sorry to interrupt. Just off topic, remember that time when you and Dean went for your Covid injection and then you guys had to go to the trauma room? This is what this reminds me of and then everyone was just like Did I say that on the podcast? I can't remember. No! No. I went, I had one Covid injection through peer pressure. I got peer pressure, I went for one, I didn't go for the other two. And I was really nervous, I was like getting really anxious, Dina's the most uncaring person in the world. I was just like, get on with it, I was like, okay. I was, kept thinking like, the worst was going to happen, they told you all like the things that could happen, so in my head I was like, these are going to happen, these are going to happen. And it was a big giant like, event wasn't it, with lots of other. It's in a freaking like massive stupid room where you're just all sitting in cubicles that are all fake partitioned And then they're like if you do if you feel like you're having any like side effects You can go to this it wasn't called the trauma room I think we call it the trauma room and then you sit and they'll just you stay there for 10 minutes So they can make sure you're not gonna Have a Who knows? Anaphylactic shock, if that's such a thing that you can have from one of them. And then I was like, I don't feel good. I was like, no, I really, I feel like my arm is dead. Like I could be having a heart attack. I'm not sure. So we had to sit. He is the most uncaring person. For the 10 minutes and the lady kept coming down, I was like, I'm not sure, like, breathe, and like, just compose myself and tell myself I was okay. And I was like, I do have to go home by myself, so if I do pass out and die, how long is it until someone knows that I've passed out and died? obviously I survived to tell the tale, but I heard of recent someone dying, and it wasn't from COVID, it was from the COVID jab. People can die from anything, to be honest. Oh, I don't know how to pause it. I'm just telling him, wait, just do it. It pisses me off Oh, you know how Covid Jag is one of my favourite stories? Because I came to stay with you the day after. The day after? Oh, I didn't know I was pregnant, sorry. I got peer pressured so hard. And then when I found out I was pregnant, I was like, that's my excuse to not get any more. and then I stayed with you after Tommy was just a little baby and we came through and it was beautiful weather and then we put him in your spare room, which is now Joey's room, and I slept with you in the bed and you were like, you couldn't sleep because you were like, I'm going to die. I thought I was quite casual about it. No, you weren't that casual. I'm not casual when it comes to health things. Yeah, you were like and I'm sure you were like lying next to me and you're like my heart it's it's going fast I can't, I can't sleep. I was like, oh god, but oh You know how we do? Well, no, I say we you'll be like no we don't you do When we did our Pani C, Pani Chocolat, Sankie P, Prospecto, Shammy P, it's a wee thing, it's our thing. Okay. So you love when someone thinks they've got a thing with you and they actually don't. You're like, no, we've never done that. and there was one other day that JP said, and we both were like, oh my God, it doesn't work. Like we were leaving somewhere and it's like, He always wears Ray Bans sunglasses, and he's like, oh, forgot my rabies. I can't believe there's one that doesn't work! Rabies, because it's already a disease. You can't say, oh, forgot my rabies, because that's a real thing. So that upset me. oh, you also asked me if I could let you know if anything else made me well. Okay, for anyone that doesn't understand that saying, it means Well up. Yes. Not cry. Not full cry. Just a well. And for someone who has difficulties in Producing tears from my eyes, there's some really strange things that make me well. I just realized one the other day that makes me well. not specific to any of the films, but all three, Free Willy filmed. I never watched them properly. I think I saw them as a kid, but I don't remember them. I maybe saw it at my cousin's. But I've not watched them as an adult because I don't, my child's not old enough to put it on. But he did point at a book today and said Whale and I didn't even know he could say whale. Impressed. I watched them as a kid but I think maybe as an older kid because I remember them so vividly and I have tried to put them on for our kids. They're kind of a little bit young still. But because we're millennials we didn't get to stream hundreds of videos. we all have like a different 10 to 15 videos that we would have watched. A million times over. So I remember it clearly because my cousins had them. I don't, I think I maybe, it was on the background a couple times we were there. So I know of it, but I don't, it's not one that I could play in my head because I don't. it's like Blackfish, but a film. We'll just maybe try and watch it next time you're here. All films from a long time ago, like the Disney films that we had to put up with are traumatizing and. Mental, basically. They caused me to well. Yeah. Because they were going to watch it the other day and I was like A lot of kids books make you well. Not you. Like, I feel like I can well on a kid's book as well. Yeah. Like, you sent me an absolutely lovely gift when my papa passed away. Because the kids were like, kind of like I came from a good place. I didn't realize it's like a beautiful book and it's about a little boy and his papa's or grandpa, I think it is granddad. Is that a story Joey made me read tonight? So, and it's trying to like describe it for a child and it is beautiful. But then unfortunately for me, it became Tommy's favorite book to read every night. So I had to try and gather the strength to read it. And then after a while for Tommy, it didn't just become about his Great Papa. It was just a great book to read and I was like, yes, let's choose it. No, my friend got it for me because she loved the book and she said I ordered it but it wasn't till after and we'd read it a few times and we just put it together and we're like is he going to heaven because he doesn't so they go he goes him and his little boy go to the island for a trip but then and he doesn't need his walking stick when they go on the island and that's what they were like well that's when they were like oh maybe This is what, this is class as heaven because he doesn't suddenly have any ailments. When it's time to go home, and spoiler guys, and when it's time to go home, the granddad's like, I'm not coming. I'm going to stay here. And then the little boy's like, oh, okay, but I'm going to miss you. And then he stays on the island and he's gone. And he's in this magical paradise where he doesn't need anything for his illnesses I would like to look into getting some books because it really pisses me off now that like. You know, Pep, like, my mum got Joey a Peppa Pig book and there's ones with two mummies, there's lesbian mummies, there's, there's a few different things, there's no single parent. In any of these kids books and it's quite a common thing now and I think you're teaching these kind of things to books Why is there not a single person and he joins another favorite book the one your kids have got the Tyrannosaurus dick drip You just said Tyrannosaurus dick? Jesus Christ! But Tyrannosaurus drip and there's two big dinosaurs and then Three babies hatched and Joey was baby, baby, baby, mommy, mommy. So there's two mommies because he's just like, who's the other person? It must be another mommy. And I'm just like, yeah, mommy, mommy. But then I'm like, do I say the word dad or do I not? the Daddy was lazy and said he wanted to hang out but then when it came to it he didn't turn up. But it's okay because mummy had lots of good friends and family. And as soon as mummy started doing it herself. Daddy got annoyed. Mummy started hustling and selling dishrags on TikTok. That's my next thing. I'm going to make a child's book about being a single parent. I have told quite a lot of people actually just from My recent visit to yours, which was magical, by the way, about when I think You went to take the sledge back after we had been sledging and I took Lily and Joey back into your house And Joey wasn't overly amused at the idea and he did like completely typical toddler actions of like, yeah Oh, and like, I took his snowsuit off and he was just like, basically became like a ironing board, like get away from him, I'm so angry. He's worse than others, he's high on the dramatic scale for him. And I was like, I took it off and then what really made me laugh was that he just screamed for his nana, not for you because he knew you weren't going to be like, oh no, that's such a shame, you're upset. So he didn't scream for his mummy, he screamed for his nana because he was like, this is unjust, she is the only person. Right now I am very annoyed and I've told so like quite a few people that,'cause it made me laugh so much. Like, nah, it's, it's insane. He's not been so bad this week, but like the first week we got back,'cause we were out for two weeks and, Christmas and Charlotte, he just thinks that like, she'll get him do like, go like, so at, I tried to discipline him, he'd just like nothing because he did it another time as well. Oh, it was when he was going to bed and he was like, no thanks. Not bed time yet. And then he was just showing his baby, and it was just really funny. So you could maybe write a book about you and then the fairy godmother, which would be Nana. Which you can't, it's like, she's actually turned into my partner where it's like, can't live with them, can't live without them. Once again, I'm not having any more children. So thank you for that because Joey's great. And I must say he's probably more placid than most two year olds. But see the whole unreasonable, where the answer's just no, and there's not, you're never going to get through to, to them because they're just too young. So many days are good, but see today, it was just a moany day. And you know, when you get about two hours into the day and you're like, it's just going to be a moany day because I can't win, I can't do right from wrong. Everything's just such a Massive dramatic meltdown. You're just like, oh, well, you're just not going to win any of those battles. it's a write off and I am not saying I don't have days that are not write offs. I have many, but at least sometimes I can understand, or they can also go away, regroup themselves or whatever. I don't need to be involved in all of it. And it's not like I'm going to, I no longer can say peel the banana wrong. You know, all like when they're that unreasonable age where you haven't done something quite right and you're like, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm over that now. And I am just so glad. And today, actually, when we were at the barbers, she did say, because they were all, it was just a bit of a, mashup of shit. And she did say to me, I'm so glad my kids are older because she has two teenagers. and I was like, you know what? I've probably done her a favor today. She's like, grateful. Well, that is all we've got time for.